Attached Services

Musculoskeletal Specialist

Claire Southey is our Musculoskeletal Practitioner working 3 sessions a week here in Surgery seeing patients face to face.

Claire qualified as a physiotherapist in 2001 in Cape Town South Africa and has worked in various musculoskeletal outpatient practices in South Africa as a senior physiotherapist treating a variety of conditions.

Saba Arshad is our new Musculoskeletal Practitioner working 3 sessions a week.

Saba has 7 years experience as an MSK physiotherapist whilst living in Pakistan prior to moving to the UK.

If you would like to arrange a telephone call or appointment please contact the Surgery on 01723 515666 choosing option 1.

Community Wellbeing Practitioner

Many things affect your health and wellbeing, from feeling isolated, lonely, stressed to having difficultly managing long-term health conditions, bills, finances, and work.

Our community wellbeing practitioner is called Stephen Carr, he can listen to you and give help, information and guidance. This may include helping you find legal advice, debt counselling, housing and benefits support, bereavement counselling and much more.

You can speak with him confidentially and he can connect you to all the different services, support, activities and opportunities that exist locally.

If you think that you, or someone you are close to, would benefit from this service please contact the Surgery on 01723 515666, choosing option 1, to arrange a referral.

Memory Support Advisor

If you are concerned about your memory, or the memory of a loved one, book a chat with Lisa our Memory Support Advisor via the reception team. Lisa works for Dementia Forward seeing patients 1 day a month at the Surgery.

District nurses

community_nurseBased in Filey, serving the housebound community they can be contacted on tel: 01653 609 609.

Health Visitor

The Health Visitor and school nurse can be contacted on tel: 0300 303 0916, option 2. 


Our Midwife holds a clinic every week at the surgery for antenatal checks on a Thursday and Friday from 9am. 

To arrange a 1st booking appointment with her please complete the self-referral form via York and Scarborough Badger Notes

Midwives can be contacted direct on the following numbers:

  • Community Midwifes, Scarborough - 01723 236128
  • Hawthorn Ward for postnatal issues, Scarborough - 01723 385272
  • Delivery Unit/Triage - 01723 342918 or 01723 385243

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